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18th October 2023

5 Reasons Why Writing Your Will Matters

2 older people sitting inside holding and showing a baby a soft toy and smiling

If you are young and healthy, writing a Will is likely at the bottom of your to-do list.

It may feel like Will-writing is a task reserved only for older people, but the truth is that life is unpredictable and none of us can foresee the future. If you’re over 18, it’s never to early to write your Will – a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding the distribution of your estate if you unexpectedly pass away.

Hopefully you won’t need to use your Will for many years to come, but it’s crucial to be prepared, not just to protect your hard-earned assets, but also for 5 important reasons you may not realise.

1.   Ensure Your Loved Ones Are Looked After 

One of the most significant reasons to write your Will is to ensure that your loved ones are looked after when you are no longer there to provide for them. 

By clearly stating your wishes in your Will, you can designate who will receive your assets, such as property, savings, and sentimental items. However, you can also state who will look after your children or pets. If you own an animal, it’s likely important to you that they are well looked after and are with someone you trust.

2.  Protect Your Legacy

If you know where you want to direct your belongings, your Will can ensure your wishes are respected. However, your legacy extends beyond the material possessions you leave behind. It includes the values, beliefs, and memories you have created throughout your life.  

3.  Make a Difficult Time Less Difficult

The loss of a loved one is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging experiences. During such times, grieving families often find themselves facing numerous emotional and logistical challenges. Having a well-prepared Will can provide a sense of clarity and relief during this difficult period. It offers clear instructions on how to handle your affairs, reducing the burden on your family members and preventing potential conflicts among your loved ones. 

4.  It’s Not as Hard as You Think!

One common misconception is that writing a will is a complex, expensive and daunting task. In fact, you don’t even need to engage a lawyer to have a legally binding Will! 

Online Will-writing platforms, like SafeWill, are available to help you draft a legally sound Will that reflects your wishes in a simple step-by-step process. SafeWill can help you prepare your Will, print and sign for you, securely store all your important information and transfer it to the people you trust when the time comes. 

You can even update your Will for free* as your life grows and changes with assets, children, relationships, values and life experiences. 

From October 23 – 29, you can write your Will for FREE with SafeWill! For more information, visit 

5.  Make an Impact After You’re Gone

Beyond providing for your loved ones, a Will allows you to make a lasting impact on the causes and organisations you care about – otherwise known as leaving a bequest. 

By including charitable bequests or establishing a charitable trust in your Will, you can continue to fight disease and illness with the Hospital Research Foundation Group or support any other cause you hold dear. A gift as little as 1% of your estate can make a big difference to lifesaving medical research and patient care in hospitals. Any contribution can make a substantial difference in the lives of others and leave a legacy of compassion and generosity. 

Two older people looking down and smiling with text on image reading Gift in Will The Hospital Research Foundation Group

Writing your Will is an act of love and responsibility that transcends generations. It ensures that your loved ones are protected, your legacy of meaningful impact endures, and difficult times are made more manageable. So, don’t delay—take the necessary steps to create your Will today.

*Free changes for the first year.

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