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Art therapy for Defence and Emergency Service with Post Traumatic Stress (PTS)

A research program evaluating the feasibility, accessibility, perception, experiences, and economic viability of MESHA’s Art Therapy program.

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This PhD program evaluates the feasibility, accessibility, perception, experiences, and economic viability of MESHA’s Art Therapy program.

Not only will this program create a foundation for all future research investigating, and practice of, trauma-focused Art Therapy in Australia, but also will be the first time the social value of an art therapy program has been calculated internationally. It will also be the first time an Art Therapy program for Australian Military and Emergency Services have been structurally evaluated, informing future policy and legislative decision making.

This program comprises two components:

1. Component 1: Contextualisation
a. a scoping review of self-reported outcome measures for post-traumatic stress disorder,
b. a scoping review mapping the design, delivery, training, receipt, and enactment of art therapy practice, and a survey of Art Therapists who work with Trauma practicing across the country.

2. Component 2: Evaluation
A program evaluation of Australia’s only ongoing Military and Emergency Service specific Art Therapy program. This evaluation involves a pragmatic qualitative evaluation and a Social Return on Investment to provide a full and rich understanding of how art therapy for trauma is perceived and experienced by Australian Military and Emergency Services, the impacts of this program, and how those impacts are valued.

For more information, please contact Holly Bowen-Salter: [email protected]

  • Team/Investigators

    Holly Bowen-Salter (Military and Emergency Services and Health Australia (MESHA)), Dr Kobie Boshoff (University of South Australia), Dr Jocelyn Kernott (University of South Australia), Dr Amy Baker (University of South Australia), Dr Miriam Posselt (SA Health), Dr Claire Hutchinson (Flinders University), Karen May (Military and Emergency Services and Health Australia (MESHA))

  • Funding Body

    The Road Home PhD Scholarship

  • Year Commenced

    February 2018

  • Expected Completion Date

    December 2021

  • Contribution

    Investigator (Holly Bowen-Salter), Supervisor (Karen May), Funder (MESHA, formally The Road Home), Clinician-art therapist (Karin Foxwell)

  • MeSH Terms

    trauma, mental health, PTSD, emergency service, first responder, military, veteran, intervention, creative, art, well-being

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