There are several evidence-based treatments that work for a reasonable number of PTSD sufferers, including veterans and active-duty military personnel.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), the focus of the project, is one of these. However, there is still substantial room for improvement. In military clients, between 20-30% will drop out of treatment prematurely and 40-64% will fail to lose their PTSD diagnosis by the end of treatment. Nixon has developed a flexible adaption of CPT to address the challenges in treating PTSD in a clinical setting. A key objective of the current project is to test the acceptability and feasibility of this innovative treatment approach with veterans and first responders with PTSD.
Professor Reg Nixon (Flinders University)
Funding Body
Military and Emergency Services Health Australia (Under the former brand- The Road Home): Prabha Seshadri Grant
Year Commenced
May 2018
Expected Completion Date
EOY 2021
Funder (MESHA)
MeSH Terms
occupational trauma, PTSD, mental health, military, veterans, first responder, emergency service, treatment, recovery